
Fren Reviews

How to join Fren Reviews

Fill out our Typeform - we’ll be in touch within a day!
Install the ARCx SDK on your product’s frontend
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What’s up with the ARCx SDK?

Fren Reviews is powered by ARCx, a data company focusing on building data and analytics capabilities for decentralized identity.

The ARCx SDK allows Fren Reviews to discover the smart contracts your users transact on, so we can then verify if reviewers have actually used your product.

Why join Fren Reviews?

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Product discovery

Each project page is optimized for search engine discovery, while users can also discover your project through browsing on Fren Reviews.

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Social proof

Increase confidence in potential new users by showcasing your Fren Reviews rating on your marketing site through our Trust Badge embed. When new users onboard with higher confidence and sense of security from reading verified reviews, you drastically increase the likelihood they stick around!


27 reviews

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Verified feedback

Through installing the ARCx SDK, you can start receiving verified reviews for your product - which also include activity data showing how much that reviewer has used your product.

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Genuine connections

Fren Reviews offers a direct line of communication between you and your users, allowing you to build a better product for your audience and foster strong community ties.

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Powerful user-based analytics

Since Fren Reviews is powered by ARCx, signing up to our platform means you also get access to ARCx Analytics, an analytics platform combining on and offchain data. It’s never been easier to create holistic, data-informed, user-based product strategies.